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From a point high enough, everyone's personal struggle for individuality becomes but a little movement in an ant colony.

“Hurdy Gurdy” is the english term for a barrel organ. Just like a barrel organ that repeats its song over and over again, everything in this film is in constant motion: trains, cars, airplanes, ships and people. Yet what is real and what is fake? This short film uses its extraordinary aesthetics to question reality.

Film Credits

Directors: Daniel Seideneder, Daniel Pfeiffer

Producers: Susanne May

Photography: Daniel Seideneder, Daniel Pfeiffer, Uwe Winter

Editing: Fred Schuler

Sound: Ben Hansen

Music: Ben Hansen

Production Company: dropout-films


Goldener Spatz, Tricky - Flensburger Kurzfilmtage, Prädikat wertvoll - Filmbewertungsstelle Wiesbaden


UK Classification: None

Subtitles: No

Voiceover: No


Length: 4 min

Colour: Yes

Keywords: , , , , ,

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Hurdy Gurdy Screening:

  • Fri25May

    at Portobello PopUP Cinema

    25 May 2012 4:00 pm

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